The second “Pancakes for Paws,” a fundraising breakfast sponsored by the Bent Tree Foundation, was held on Saturday, April 14. The Foundation wants to thank all of you who came to the FATZ Restaurant for a tasty breakfast. We also want to thank those who contributed to the success of this event by making a donation or by buying raffle tickets.
This fundraiser, specifically designated to raise money for the construction of a Stray Animal Shelter in Bent Tree, was a wonderful success. We served 164 people for breakfast – only 12 less than the October 2011 breakfast. Even being a little shy of the 176 served last fall, we raised approximately $3,500! This amount, added to what has already been raised, will hopefully provide enough funds to complete the shelter some time this summer.
Our congratulations to the raffle winners: Larry Spangler (Kindle Touch), Stan Taraskewich ($50 Amazon gift card), Chuck Allen ($25 FATZ gift certificate), Mary Blackburn ($25 Rocco gift certificate), Pat Yates ($25 Rocco gift certificate), Melissa Leach ($30 Mountain View Pet Lodge gift certificate) and Irene Robertson (tote bag full of Bodacious foods).
Our thanks to Eric Wood, who will supervise the construction, and to all the other volunteers who are making this shelter possible. The land has been cleared and graded behind the Cottage. Tom Hutchinson, an artist who lives here in Bent Tree, has created a water color artist’s rendition of the shelter.
The Bent Tree Foundation is most grateful that so many people have volunteered and contributed to make this dream a reality – either through their efforts and/or their donations. We will keep you posted on the progress of the construction through our new Bent Tree Foundation website and the echo.